WORLD JURIST ASSOCIATION BULLETIN November 19, 2015 From Garry E. Hunter, Executive Vice-President/Executive Director World Jurist Association 7910 Woodmont Avenue Suite 1440 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 1.202.466.5428
4th Annual Arbitration and Investment Summit Caribbean, Latin America and Other Emerging Markets Nassau, Bahamas, January 22-23, 2016 [wpdm_package id=3104 template=»link-template-default.php»] Issued: 12 November 2015
Letter from the President Dr. Franklin Hoet Linares Dear Members of the WJA, These are not times for extended speeches. Inter-pares as we are, nobody can pretend to impress his own colleagues and companions during decades. On the contrary, it’s time indeed for action, recovery and reconstruction. We don’t have another alternative than to succeed […]
Announcement: WJA New Board of Governors! The 2015-2017 Board of Governors has been announced following uncontested elections held on June 27, 2015. Members take office immediately and serve for a 2-year term.
The World Jurist Association and the College of Business and Technical Sciences, Warsaw Management University Conference on
International Election Principles in the 21st Century Georgian American University, Tbilisi, Georgia ♦ September 25, 2012 The World Jurist Association co-sponsored the Georgian Election Law Program, International Election Principles in the 21st Century in Tbilisi, Georgia at the Georgian-American University on September 25, 2012. This program focused on international election principles, standards, rules and practices, and […]
» A World Ruled by Law, Not Force» The WJA was formed in 1963 in response to an international outcry for a free and open forum. This forum allows for judges, lawyers, law professors and other professionals from around the world to work cooperatively to raise public support for the institutions that govern and enforce […]