Board of Directors


Javier Cremades, Spain

Executive Vice-President

Kim Quarles, USA.

Vice Presidents

Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor, Mexico
Kelly Mogbo, Nigeria
Huang Jin, China
James Black II, USA
Cheol-Kyu Hwang, South Korea

General Counsel

William Eshelman, USA
David Kovel, USA

Executive Director

Teodora Toma, Romania

Other Officers of the WJA

President of the World Association Of Lawyers (WAL)

Francisco Javier Lara, Spain

WJA Delegate to UN Geneva & President, WJA Human Rights Institute

Juan Carlos Gutiérrez, Venezuela

WJA Delegate to UN Vienna

Gabriel Fernández Rojas, Colombia

WJA Delegate to the International Criminal Court (ICC)

Tamara Sujú Roa, Venezuela

Project Director

Yacky Rodríguez Velásquez, Venezuela

Past Presidents

Franklin Hoet-Linares, Venezuela (2015-2019, 1991-1993)
Alexander J. Bĕlohlávek, Czech Republic (2011-2015)
Valeriy Yevdokymov, Ukraine (2009-2011, 2003-2005)
Ronald M. Greenberg, USA* (2005-2009)
Hans Thümmel, Germany (2001-2003)
Daniel J. Monaco, USA* (1999-2001)
Ved P. Nanda, USA (1997-1999)
Lucio Ghia, Italy (1995-1997)
Raul I. Goco, Philippines (1993-1995)

Home Office

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