Recent events in Mexico have raised concerns in the international legal community, in connection with important aspects of the Mexican constitutional and legal order. As a global association of jurists, the WJA’s ultimate mission is the promotion of the rule of the law and never of the force; in this line, the WJA on behalf […]
Chaired by Luis Henry Molina Peña, President of the Supreme Court of the Dominican Republic, the World Jurist Association celebrated the Opening Session Dominican Republic of the World Law Congress «Higher Education: A dialogue in the Market», on January 19, 2021. The event focused on the need to promote the rule of law through the […]
Javier Cremades, abogado y Presidente de la World Jurist Association Johann Kriegler* Resulta paradójico que el mismo día que los españoles celebramos el cuadragésimo segundo aniversario de nuestra Carta Magna, sus principios democráticos y los valores de convivencia, en Venezuela tuvieron lugar unas elecciones fraudulentas y contrarias a Derecho convocadas por Nicolás Maduro. Esta calificación […]
The World Law Congress 2021 begins this coming July 7, with an innovative On-going format that will hold fifteen monthly Online Opening Sessions from different countries around the world, finalizing in Cartagena de Indias on November 17 and 18, 2021. The Barcelona Bar Association, led by Dean Ma. Eugenia Gay, President of WJA Spain, will […]
La World Law Foundation ha celebrado, de forma telemática, una nueva reunión del Patronato que ha contando con Javier Cremades, como presidente, y con Alfredo Dagnino como el secretario del Patronato. En el encuentro virtual han participado Viviane Reding, vicepresidenta del Patronato de la World Law Foundation y miembro del Parlamento Europeo, Elisabeth Cassin, sobrina nieta de Rene Cassin, Hanna Stanisława Suchocka, primera ministra […]
Representatives of the World Jurist Association and the World Law Foundation presented the World Law Congress before the President of Colombia, Iván Duque. The upcoming Congress will be celebrated in Bogota and Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, on February 8-10, 2021. The reception took place at the `Palacio de Nariño´ and was also attended by the […]
The Mayoress of Bogota, Claudia López, met with a delegation of the World Jurist Association (WJA) and the World Law Foundation (WLF), headed by their President, Javier Cremades, on the occasion of the presentation of the World Law Congress 2021, which will be hosted by Colombia on February 8-10, 2021. The meeting was also attended by the Inspector General of Colombia, Fernando Carrillo […]
Last May 5 – 8, 2019, WJA Worldwide President Javier Cremades visited Mexico for promoting the World Jurist Association. During his visit to Mexico, Mr. Cremades held an audience with Andrés Manuel López Obrador, current president of Mexico, who showed his interest in hosting the next Ibero-American Law Congress in his country. Likewise, our Worldwide […]
Last Monday March 25, 2019, WJA Worldwide President Javier Cremades held an audience with the President of Argentina Mauricio Macri. The meeting was held at the Casa Rosada, the Official Office of the Argentinean Government. The meeting was also attended by Juan Luis Cebrián, distinguished Spanish journalist, founder of Diario El País of Spain and […]
The WJA Munich Conference IP Protection & Trademark Rights was held on May 3 – 4 at the Courtyard® & Residence Inn® Munich East Hotel in Munich, Germany. The successful conference featured an array of high level interesting presentations and events. The Opening Ceremony begun with speeches from Dr. Alexander Löw, President of the Organizing Committee […]