Urban Renewal Loans Available

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Opening Session Barcelona: Will the Rule of Law Survive in Europe?

The World Law Congress started its 27th edition with an innovative format that includes the celebration of 14 online opening sessions, as prelude to the most important international legal event. These monthly opening sessions will take place from different cities around the world. The first one, «Will the Rule of Law Survive in Europe?», was […]


List of City Weekend Celebrations

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New Australian Economic Culture

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Metro Road Design Plan 2025

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Summer Nights at the Library

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Environmental Planning and Sustainability

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technology angel investor holy grail conversion. Vesting period hypotheses facebook entrepreneur sales startup social media early adopters holy grail marketing market monetization. User experience series a financing rockstar innovator pitch infographic ecosystem scrum project.

The President of Colombia, Iván Duque, opened the World Law Congress 2021

The President of Colombia, Iván Duque, chaired the online opening ceremony of the 27th edition of the World Law Congress, organized by the World Law Foundation and the World Jurist Association. He participated through an institutional video in which he acknowledged that «it is an honor for Colombians to host this congress in recognition for […]

The right to vaccine of all humanity

By: Javier Cremades – President of the World Jurist Association and Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo Lawyers, and Diego García-Sayán –  former President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (2010-2014). On January 30, 2020, the Director of the World Health Organization (WHO), Ethiopian Tedros Adhanom, declared a planetary public health emergency. From that moment on, it was clear – and official […]

World Law Congress. Online Opening Session. Barcelona 07 JUL 2020

The World Law Congress 2021 begins this coming July 7, with an innovative On-going format that will hold fifteen monthly Online Opening Sessions from different countries around the world, finalizing in Cartagena de Indias on November 17 and 18, 2021. The Barcelona Bar Association, led by Dean Ma. Eugenia Gay, President of WJA Spain, will […]

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