Dear friends we are very happy to present the Congress that our Venezuelan national president, Dr. Alberto Jurado Salazar is promoting at the Zulia State Bar Association, in which he will talk about the application of the United Nations’s treaty against corruption in Venezuela. To those of you who can attend, do not hesitate and […]
Dear Members, It is our great delight to finally present the movie that summarises the International Conference that took place in the beautiful city of Barcelona, and that had as title ‘The Internet: Challenges to Peace and Freedom’. We hope that those of you which attended to these sessions and social events can spot yourselves […]
The Conference ‘Data Protection and Privacy: New Challenges for Companies’ organized by the Spanish Chapter of the World Jurist Association together with the Institut of Audit and IT Governance will take place at the Círculo del Liceo, Barcelona Opera House’s private club, on 19th October, 2016. Judge of the ‘Audiencia Nacional’ in Spain and expert in […]
Dear members and friends, we are very glad to announce that the WJA will be participating in the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS, entitled CIVIC CAPITALISM: TOWARDS A NEW RELATION WITH THE INVESTORS. Therefore, we would be very pleased to invite any members who wish to attend to this exciting event. Please, find more information at the following link:
[full_width][/full_width] Featured gallery of the Conference held in Barcelona on «The Internet: Challenges to Peace and Freedom». Opening Conferences Gala Dinner Diplomas
July 19, 2016 World Jurist Association 7910 Woodmont Avenue Suite 1440 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 1.202.466.5428 EUROPE TERRORIST ATTACKS COMMUNICATION Dear WJA Members, I am writing this communication on behalf of Dr. Franklin Hoet, president of the World Jurist Association, and myself, Executive Vice President, as a memorial of what happened last week in Niza, France, […]
Dr. Ana Lucina Garcia Maldonado (President of the «Latinamerican Federation of Women Attorneys), Dr. Franklin Hoet-Linares (President of the World Jurist Association), Dr. Henry Ramos Allup (President o National Assembly of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela).
Some of the largest fortunes in the world are held by Chavistas, judging by the amounts involved. Opposition calculations placed at about $ 300.000 billion foreign funds Venezuelan origin who are outside, hidden in labyrinths of shell corporations and open bank accounts in tax havens.
President of the WJA, Mr. Franklin Hoet Linares, promoting the upcoming Conference in Barcelona, Spain, together with the National President for Spain, Mr. Jacinto Soler and his son, Mr. Ramon Soler.
Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War receives a version approved in the last International Legal Committee of the Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL). You can find a download link of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War below [wpdm_package id=3208 template=»link-template-default.php»]