Open Call for NGOs to apply for Consultative Status with the United Nations

As NGO with Special Consultative Status with the United Nations, and in support to ECOSOC, the WJA invites other NGOs interested in applying for ECOSOC consultative status to submit their application and required documents on or before the deadline 1 June 2019. The following link provides background information, the benefits and instructions how to apply: […]

The WJA in Mexico

  Last May 5 – 8, 2019, WJA Worldwide President Javier Cremades visited Mexico for promoting the World Jurist Association. During his visit to Mexico, Mr. Cremades held an audience with Andrés Manuel López Obrador, current president of Mexico, who showed his interest in hosting the next Ibero-American Law Congress in his country. Likewise, our […]

Audiencia al Comité Organizador del “World Law Congress of the World Jurist Association”

​Su Majestad el Rey de España recibió en audiencia al Comité Organizador del “World Law Congress of the World Jurist Association” que se celebrará los días 19 y 20 de febrero de 2019 en el Teatro Real de Madrid. El comité organizador del “World Law Congress of the World Jurist Association” acudió encabezado por el […]

Statement by the WJA and its Human Rights Institute for the death of Fernando Albán

On behalf of the WJA, non-governmental organization with consultative status before the United Nations (UN), which brings together more than 1,000 judges, lawyers, professors and other professionals in various specialties since 1963, before the death in strange circumstances of the Venezuelan opposition politician Fernando Albán, who was under preventive detention in the political police of […]

Arbitration Summit 2019 – Registrations Open

The World Jurist Association proudly invites you to the 7th Annual Arbitration & Investment Summit, Caribbean, Latin America & Other Emerging Markets 2019, to be held on January 25th, 2019, in Nassau, Bahamas. The event is being organized by the WJA President for the Bahamas, Dr. Peter Maynard, who invites all WJA members to join […]

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