«We are at the best time to learn technological innovations that will change the way we work»
Javier Cremades, abogado y Presidente de la World Jurist Association Johann Kriegler* Resulta paradójico que el mismo día que los españoles celebramos el cuadragésimo segundo aniversario de nuestra Carta Magna, sus principios democráticos y los valores de convivencia, en Venezuela tuvieron lugar unas elecciones fraudulentas y contrarias a Derecho convocadas por Nicolás Maduro. Esta calificación […]
On November 12, the WJA celebrated the fourth Opening Session of the World Law Congress Colombia 2021 from the Headquarters of the Organization of American States in Washington, D.C. «We are far from a reality where human rights are protected in real time, and there is a long way ahead to guarantee effective mechanisms». This […]
Javier Cremades, Abogado y Presidente de la World Jurist Association y Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo David Mills, Abogado y Catedrático de Derecho en Standford Law School En París, el 10 de Diciembre de 1948, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas aprobó la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos. Uno de los derechos fundamentales establecidos y acordados […]
Under the title «Covid-19: Boon or Detriment for Gender Equality?», on October 14, the WJA and the Bass Institute for Diversity and Inclusion organized this much-needed and current panel of discussion. Eight women from different countries debated the topic, agreeing that overall the pandemic caused by Covid-19 has been problematic and disadvantageous for women. The […]
The author met the American judge and awarded her with the World Peace & Liberty Award, given by the World Jurist Association. Ruth Bader Ginsburg´s death (1933-2020) has caused a huge emotional and political impact in the United States. This event also represents an earthquake in the American electoral campaign, but her figure and her […]
The World Jurist Association made a presentation at the United Nations Vienna, during the plenary session of the Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption on September 2-4, 2020. The conference was chaired by the Attorney General of the United Arab Emirates, Harib Saeed Al Amimi, and Gabriel Fernández Rojas, WJA […]
The President of the Supreme Court of Chile, Guillermo Silva Gundelach, participated in the Opening Session Chile of the World Law Congress Colombia 2021, titled ‘Transnational Crime and Corruption: Protecting Judicial Independence’. Silva Gundelach stressed the importance of discussing corruption and the protection of judicial crime, since «if we do not do so, we put […]
The World Law Congress started its 27th edition with an innovative format that includes the celebration of 14 online opening sessions, as prelude to the most important international legal event. These monthly opening sessions will take place from different cities around the world. The first one, «Will the Rule of Law Survive in Europe?», was […]
The President of Colombia, Iván Duque, chaired the online opening ceremony of the 27th edition of the World Law Congress, organized by the World Law Foundation and the World Jurist Association. He participated through an institutional video in which he acknowledged that «it is an honor for Colombians to host this congress in recognition for […]