Official statement of the WJA regarding the elections in Venezuela

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To adhere to the legal opinion of the WJA regarding the elections in Venezuela

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%%tu firma%%

Últimas firmas
25 Mr. Darío Encinales Colombia Member Colombian Academy of Jurisprudence Sep 06, 2024
24 Mrs. Cándida Rosa Araque Colombia Former Magistrate and university professor Sep 06, 2024
23 Mr. José Celestino Hernández Colombia University Professor and Member of the Colombian Academy of Jurisprudence Sep 06, 2024
22 Mr. Ricardo Abello Colombia Professor Faculty of Jurisprudence of the Universidad del Rosario (Colombia) Sep 06, 2024
21 Mr. Augusto Trujillo Colombia University professor and former President Colombian Academy of Jurisprudence Sep 06, 2024
20 Mrs. Elena Fernández Bezanilla Spain Practicing lawyer and Prosecutor on leave of absence Sep 06, 2024
19 Mrs. Inés Huerta Garicano Spain Judge Emeritus Supreme Court of Spain (2014-2023) Sep 06, 2024
18 Mr. Rafael Fernández Montalvo Spain Judge Emeritus Supreme Court of Spain (1995-2017) Sep 06, 2024
17 Mrs. Encarnación Roca Trías Spain Judge and Vice-President Constitutional Court of Spain (2012-2021) Sep 06, 2024
16 Mr. Manuel Aragón Reyes Spain Judge Constitutional Court of Spain (2004-2013) Sep 06, 2024
15 Mr. James Black II United States Vice President of the WJA Sep 06, 2024
14 Mr. David Kovel United States General Counsel of the WJA Sep 06, 2024
13 Mr. David Mills United States Professor at Stanford University Law School Sep 06, 2024
12 Mrs. Marisol Peña Chile Judge and President Constitutional Court of Chile (2006-2018) Sep 06, 2024
11 Mr. Diego García-Sayán Peru United Nations Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers (2016-2022) Sep 06, 2024
10 Mr. Ricardo Ríos Ferrer Mexico President General Council of the Mexican Bar Sep 06, 2024
9 Mr. Víctor Olea Mexico President Mexican Bar Association Sep 06, 2024
8 Mrs. Hanna Sochocka Poland Prime Minister of Poland (1992-1993) Sep 06, 2024
7 Mr. Luca Mezzetti Italy Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna Sep 06, 2024
6 Mr. Egils Levits Latvia Judge of the European Court of Human Rights (1995-2001) Sep 06, 2024
5 Mrs. Hilarie Bass United States President American Bar Association (2017-2018) Sep 06, 2024
4 Mr. James R. Silkenat United States President American Bar Association (2013-14) Sep 06, 2024
3 Mrs. Patricia Lee Refo United States President American Bar Association (2020-2021) Sep 06, 2024
2 Mr. Johann Kriegler South Africa Chairman Electoral Commission that appointed Nelson Mandela Sep 06, 2024
1 Mr. Javier Cremades Spain President World Jurist Association (WJA) Sep 06, 2024
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